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Interesting "Ballet School" book story


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I have just been clearing out some of DDs books and found a copy of "Ballet School" by Camilla Jessel. I have never noticed before but on the inside cover is inscribed:


'To Shirley, With love and thanks for all your help with this book, much love Camilla 30.09.99" - obviously the author's note to Shirley.


Then further down it says "To Louise, I hope you will get as much joy from your dancing as I have over the years. Good Luck today - enjoy the class, Best wishes, Shirley Grahame 29.05.03" - obviously the Shirley was Shirley Grahame the Royal Ballet dancer, but no idea who Louise is.


I have a feeling we bough it second hand (obviously) from Amazon, and no idea who we bought it off. Can only surmise that Louise passed the book on at some point, or maybe she was the seller? Intriguing huh?

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