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Hyperextended legs


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Is this something you are born with or can it develop?.

Dd has been having treatment for a knee sprain,today she has seen a different physio that her CAT use. He has said she has slightly torn her hamstring which is causing the knee pain. He said that DDs hyper extended legs have not helped it to heal.

He was shocked when DD told him she has never been told before that she has hyper extended legs hence the question.

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The construction of the knee is something one is born with, however, how one uses the knees can certainly affect strength and/or injury.


As to being told about one's knees would depend upon the age of the student.  A very young student would not know how to  process this information - though the teacher should already be alert to it and giving the child instruction such as pulling up rather than pushing back; engaging the thigh rather than pushing back on the hinge joint of the knee.


But, I would think by the age of 7-8 a dance student should be made aware that all of us have differently shaped knee/leg construction and how that construction affects the student.


I used to have my students in this age group stand in front of the mirror in their best (not forced) first position and we would discuss the different shapes the mirror reflected back to us - how each has its assets and challenges and how we can use those assets and meet those challenges.


So, depending upon your child's age - she should have been made aware of her own assets and challenges and instruction given accordingly.  


The hyperexended knee/leg construction is generally a more beautiful line (depending upon degree and how it is used) but it also is a less strong (generally speaking) construction than a straighter line.  The student has to be made aware of how to work with this so strength is built rather than weakness accentuated.


I hope I've said something which helps.

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Yes that helps, only now I am concerned as DD is 16.


When your daughter stands in first position (her best - but not forced) - and her knees touch - how much space is there between her heels?


When your daughter stands with feet parallel - how much "bow" is there?


I don't mean for you to be answering the above questions here - but these are the things you should talk to the teacher about - and how she can instruct your daughter to work with this construction.


By 16, she should have been made aware of the construction and how to work with it.  Discuss this, too, with the teacher.


Don't be afraid - schedule a conference - you are paying for this information.

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