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Hi guys :)

I'm getting quite into this tutu making lark and thought you might like to see the results of our latest commission?

It's from a photo we were sent for a young teenager. She wanted a tutu with bolero and sleeves but didn't want it to be limited to one role, so it's removable to reveal a traditional sugar plum underneath!

Only problem is my "paste" action isn't adding the photo!!! What a tease! Any ideas? Lol xxx


Absolutely stunning,  I've seen most of the others you've made as I follow you on Twitter but not been on there recently, they are all lovely - not sure which is my favourite - may be this one.  I hadn't quite grasped that you were making these yourself i thought you were designing them and getting someone else to make them.  Desperately trying to get non dd into making tutus, she likes sewing, understands corsets but I've not got her there yet ;)

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Wow Sheila I just think that's pretty stunning!!! It's the sort of task that if I was put in a room and asked to do would actually have to have the help of the fairies and elves or would slowly waste away though if it was in a castle I might be tempted to jump from the battlements!!

How long do you work on something like that and it must have involved quite a bit of hand sewing.

It really is beautiful what a skill!! :)

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Thank you :)

I don't make them all Porthesia, when we first started I was having tutus made for us and shipped in. The supplier then doubled their prices in 6 months, so I realised we needed something more sustainable...


My mother was a designer and so I've always been surrounded by the hum of the machine and lots of fabrics, so as i grew up I learnt through immersion! However I love the idea of being locked in a tower with my machine Lin! That's my idea of heaven :) but then I'd need a handsome prince to bring me supplies, Johnny Depp woul do fine ;)


Keep trying with your non DD Porthesia, I'm hoping my non DD may show an interest too....we worked on a gcse textiles project yesterday and discussed her final piece, but it won't be a tutu!


I've never counted the hours they take, but I guess this one must have been about 30, including design and pondering time!

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Me too...I've made a few and have recently been on a course to tweak my skills ... As I'm starting to feel more confident I'm getting more and more into it now :-) I'm like you Sheila I would gladly just sit and sew all day :-)

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Well, you know we love your tutus Sheila! For those who didn't know, my avatar is my DD wearing the tutu that Sheila made her for Christmas :)  The latest one is another gorgeous creation!

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I love your tutu's Sheila and always keep up to date on Facebook.  Do you do commissions without fittings as living in the North it would be a long journey?  DD will need a new competition tutu in the next few months.


Completely agree Michelle, although I'd quite happily have all the ones I make hanging in my walls at home!

This is the first commission I've done without a fitting as the dance is also from the north - I've tried to build in as much flexibility as possible and if it works then all systems are go!!


Personally I hate making anything with net!!!  On the other hand I love working with Lycra and making leotards and all in ones.  Wish I had the patience to make something that beautiful.

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