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A Petite Allegro you might want to try....


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A petite allegro you might want to try:




stand in 5th position, un face, right foot in front. 


Glissade to the right changé (right ft is now in back)


petite jeté using rt ft (left foot is now in back at the ankle of the rt ft


coupé sauté ballonné changé (rt ft is now in back on the ankle of the left ft)


coupé sauté ballonné changé (lft ft is now in back on the ankle of the rt ft)


pas de bourré  moving to the right (lft ft goes back, side, front)


you are now in 5th position, rt ft in back


pirouette endors to the rt ending in 5th back


step out on right ft and soutenu to the right


another soutenu to the right (you should be in 5th, rt ft back)


entrechat quatre


entrechat trois (you should be in 5th position, lft ft in front)


go right into the combination again to the left....


and then reverse

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The only bit that I am unsure of is the coupe sauté ballone change- would you be able to explain that step please Anjuli? :)


You are on your rt ft - left foot is in back on the ankle of the rt ft....


The left ft coupés (cuts under the rt ft and replaces it  while the rt ft flashes out to the rt side in a low battement and then closes in back on the ankle of the left ft. as you land on your left ft.


Does that help?


The tempo for this should be very quick.

Edited by Anjuli_Bai
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You are on your rt ft - left foot is in back on the ankle of the rt ft....


The left ft coupés (cuts under the rt ft and replaces it while the rt ft flashes out to the rt side in a low battement and then closes in back on the ankle of the left ft. as you land on your left ft.


Does that help?


The tempo for this should be very quick.

Sounds like an RAD coupe foutte racourci sauté ;)

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You are on your rt ft - left foot is in back on the ankle of the rt ft....


The left ft coupés (cuts under the rt ft and replaces it while the rt ft flashes out to the rt side in a low battement and then closes in back on the ankle of the left ft. as you land on your left ft.


Does that help?


The tempo for this should be very quick.

Sounds like an RAD coupe foutte racourci sauté ;)

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Guest chinafish

It's half hour till midnight, we're sitting in the living room waiting for the fireworks.


I simply couldn't resist to stand up and mark this.


My whole family looked at me like I'm mad. Then went, "There she goes again..."


Love it Anjuli, I haven't done class for a few weeks and didn't realise how much my feet were itching!



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Guest chinafish

Anjuli, I have questions regarding the reverse:


1. I presume I will start the reverse by having already got the left foot up in cou-de-pied, I brush it to do a glissade to the left changé?


2. Pirouette is en dedans with the front foot? (Feels very weird!)


3. How does that soutenu work?!




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Anjuli, I have questions regarding the reverse:


1. I presume I will start the reverse by having already got the left foot up in cou-de-pied, I brush it to do a glissade to the left changé?


2. Pirouette is en dedans with the front foot? (Feels very weird!)


3. How does that soutenu work?!






Answer to question #1 - is "yes."



Answer to question #2 - I wrote above:  "pirouette endors to the rt ending in 5th back"   The fault is mine - a typo - it should be "en dehors"  - there is no pirouette en dedans.



Answer to question #3 - after the pirouette you are in 5th position with the rt ft in back.  


****Take that rt ft and extend it to the side (degagé/glissé)  while left ft leg is in demi-plié


piqué onto that extended rt ft on demi-pointe


the left ft quickly joins the rt ft  in 5th front


in that demi-pointe 5th position you turn toward the right on both feet  (some people call this a détourné).


You are now in 5th position ft ft front on demi-pointe


demi-plié in 5th position and repeat again from ****



Does that help?


By the way -- you are not mad - you are a dancer!

Edited by Anjuli_Bai
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Guest chinafish

Hi Anjuli,


Thanks! Sorry I wasn't clear in my question -- #2 and #3 are relating to the reverse. I presume the reverse I do pirouette en dedans? And then how do I deal with the soutenu in reverse? Step out with the front foot turning back on myself is I suppose, doable, but feels weird and so I just wanted to make sure.


This is fun!




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Yes am puzzled by the ending as entrechat trois usually ends on one foot as far as I know and not in 5th.


Have worked this out in my head (except for ending) but am also improving computer skills as well. As have been motivated to copy it from the forum then sent to myself in an email forwarded to partners computer which has printer attached and have now printed off!!

I'll have a go later when cleared some space in the spare room.......which is full of boxes and three for one deals etc acquired over Christmas period!!!!

Perhaps this could be a new trend for 2014 Anjuli a weekly enchainement to try out from you!! Of course we'd owe you big time!!

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The reverse of an en dehors is en dedans.



It is a pas de trois and is does end on one foot - rt ft in front at the ankle of the left ft.....because - this is only the first half of the sequence...there is more .... .if you are interested....



2nd half....you are on your left ft, rt ft is in front of the left ankle....


*****step piqué to demi-pointe en avant (to the front) on that rt ft, left ft comes to retiré (at the knee of rt ft) passé (passes to the front of the knee), comes down to 5th in front of the rt ft (put your weight on it), lift the rt ft in coupé in back, and


with the rt ft (which is in back), glissade to the rt, petite jeté (lft ft is now on the back of the ankle of the rt ft) coupé under (rt ft is now on the front of the ankle of the left ft, and assemblé with the rt ft, closing in 5th in back,..


and finish with two entrechat quatre


you are now in 5th position, left ft front.  


Repeat from ***** to the left.  You should end up with in 5th position, rt ft front.


You are done!

Edited by Anjuli_Bai
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Of course we are interested do you even need to ask?! Just need enough space to try it out!


Ok - then -  every once in a while (I assume when school is in full swing, you will be otherwise engaged), I shall post up an enchainement, including adage, waltz, grand pas, etc.


It's good to know you are interested....so it doesn't appear I am usurpiing space on the board.....

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