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Can do. If they show enough potential at audition. Thats the theory but I dont know whether this has ever actually happened. However I have known of students only having minimal experience before training full time.


SAB auditions are always like that... I find it absolutely amazing! But they also select kids from their 4 weeks long SS.


I've read about children who have been found via one of the outreach schemes getting into RBS

Very true, two were ds best friends and now dance professionally.

Wow, they decide after a one hour audition? That's it? No second audition. Does seem bit crazy. And the timing of the audition makes it impossible for a UK student to apply alongside the uk schools as all our auditions are at the start of the year. And summer school is out due to the June start :( My son would love to apply for upper school but it will be very tricky. Anyone know anyone who has done it?


I also notice that SAB expects all girls age 11+ to bring pointe shoes to the audition.

I'm beginning to think after our visit to Elmhurst yesterday that most girls are on pointe at 11 (if not 10) although DD isn't.


My dd is 11 and is on pointe, but I didn't put her shoes in for Elmhurst as she's not been on long and I didn't want her trying things that she may not be ready for, which I knew she would be tempted to do if her shoes were there!

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My dd is 11 and has been on pointe since December (10 min a week). She packed her pointe shoes but I don't think they will use them. If they do, I trust the staff in Elmhurst to know that, at 11, she is a beginner. But she was so proud to take them with her that she even took her old and new pairs!

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Mine did want to take them, but to be honest they weren't ready to take either, we only bought them on Saturday and I've darned one but not the other, her old ones are to small, her feet seem to have had quite a growth spurt over the holidays. Think my dd might have meet yours afab :)

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At a summer school last year, my dd got to know some Japanese girls; they were all on pointe, and one of them was 9! (And very good, she said).


It seems to be much more usual for girls in other parts of the world to start young. 

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That is good to hear about girls as I was wondering whether they are being pushed too early before their feet have formed properly.  Afab I think your school is probably right slow and steady.

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Yes Pas de Chat, slow and steady is right. DD3 (the one at Elmhurst now) will be doing about 30 minutes a week next year. Her sister (DD2) who will be 14 in October will do between 3 and 3.5 hours a week though next year... Slow and steady but increasing quite a lot over the years... But the girls who don't plan on becoming professionals will do less than half the amount DD2 will do.

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