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I am interested to hear how orthopaedic assessments for vocational schools have changed over the years. What is different now to what dancers experienced say in 1980's and 1990's. What measures are in place to safeguard young people?


An orthopaedic assessment is an assessment undertaken by a vocational school's physiotherapist to determine the student's physical suitability for full-time dance training, ie turn out, flexibility, physical limitations, feet, any physical abnormalities etc etc). They are undertaken during the audition process for full-time training. Some schools physically assess ALL students reaching the finals of auditions, some only assess a selection who they want to look at further for whatever reason.


On the second part to your question regarding "safeguarding young people" All the vocational schools have policies in place regarding "safeguarding young people" which you can access if your child has a physio. A few years ago when my eldest DD was selected for physio at Tring, I accompanied her. For White Lodge, Elmhurst and Hammond I didnt, but was confident in their policy at the time. Has your DC or is your DC about to have a physio assessment?




Well as far as I am aware dd was taken to one side asked to remove her shoes and socks do they could look at her feet. Asked to do some stretches and her turnout was checked. It was done by a senior teacher not a physio.


I have to take her for a medical before September but think its just a general statement of health thing.


DD was given a physio assessment at Tring after the DADA audition.


From what she said it was quite thorough.


She had to lay down on the couch whilst the physio manipulated her legs, hips and arms in various ways.


Additionally she had to do a few bends and they chatted about her menstrual cycle to see if she was regular yet as an indicator of whether she would grow any more.


That's as much as I can remember. She went in on her own, I never thought to go in with her, but she said the lady was really lovely.


Hope this is of some help.


My DS was asked if he would take part in an assessment that was a study of the effectiveness of the exercise programme for the JAs in London

I had to sign a form to say i was happy for him to be manipulated etc. and for the results to be used for the benefit of future students etc . It was done by the RBS Physio . And I was asked to be present . He was asked to lay on a bench and his turnout capability assessed as well as flexibility and strength in maintaining the turnout .

His spine was carefully checked for what seemed to be vertebral alignment as he slowly curled up and down . Flexibility of thumb to wrist . Height of jump from standing , i remember well as he made a new mark on the wall ! And of course measurements if height and leg length etc .

I think the measurements were repeated after a year ! Hard to remember everything as we had several visits to learn exercises etc.

Hope that helps .... At White Lodge and Elmhurst final auditions we signed a form to say were happy for them to be assessed , but we were not allowed to be present ! Only have sketchy information for DS , but they "forced" his frog position to see how much more turn out he might achieve ! Made him touch the floor and looked at his spine and his proportions !

He said it was nothing out of the ordinary !


My DS was given an assessment at RBS finals, Tring, Hammond and Elmhurst finals. They were basically the same at all finals, but we accompanied him to the Tring Physio. They measured his leg length, tested ankle joints and knee joints. Checked flexibility in the hips, and looked at turnout. They also checked his spine by watching him "roll" down to touch his toes and then back up again. They also checked balance by asking to stand on one leg with eyes closed. Measured hips to make sure they were equal in Height. Finally, he had to jump off two feet and then off one foot. It was done by a Physio, a very nice lady in fact who gave nothing away!!


My friends DD was in an assessment for a good half hour to check her hips. She was also given feed back, however no feed back was given " officially" from any other schools.


Finally as DS was a JA for 3 yrs we saw RBS Physio regularly. She prescribed particular excersizes to complement each dancers training. Plus after RBS finals our JA teacher gave us feedback from the Physio assessment done on the day, complete with new excersizes to improve flexibility.

In terms of safe guarding young people. Do you mean safe guarding from injury? Or something else? I don't think the kids get " broken" by the dance schools anymore, nothing is pushed. The JA excersizes were all about slow and steady manipulation that gives lasting results over time.

Hope all if that makes sense!? ????

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