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Tring parks classical ballet academy


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What time, if we were accepted, would classes for 15year old girls be? Ive just read about the CBA and it looks amazing, so me and a friend were thinking of contacting them to see if we could submit a slightly late application too, but it takes about 2 1/2 hours to get to Tring, so need to check that the classes wouldnt be too early? X

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My dd also auditioned last November but didn't get in. We've decided to wait until next autumn to audition again. I am not sure that she has progressed enough yet to make a difference. Especially if there are only a few places available.

She has also started a ballet TPA course on a Saturday and is really enjoying that at the moment.

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My dd also auditioned last November but didn't get in. We've decided to wait until next autumn to audition again. I am not sure that she has progressed enough yet to make a difference. Especially if there are only a few places available.

She has also started a ballet TPA course on a Saturday and is really enjoying that at the moment.

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Oh okay, thank you :)

Sorry for all the questions, but roughly how many places are likely to be available? Dont want to spend a lot of money on going to an audition if theres only 2 or 3 places up for grabs...


There are currently only a handful of girls in group 6, Swanprincess, and some of them will be leaving for vocational schools at the end of term.  The majority auditioning are younger and places are therefore limited within this age group.  I should think there will be places available in the older classes for suitable candidates.  Like all of these things - if they like what they see they'll accommodate. ;)  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good luck to you dd Balletmum20 and to all auditioning on Sunday.  My dd got in last November.  Her audition was on 18th and we received the letter (which was dated 19th) on 21st. It may take a bit longer this time as the assessments of current students are not until 12th May and this may affect the outcome? ;)   Tring do tend to let people know quite quickly.

The CBA is really good and my dd loves it so is hoping that she keeps her place.

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My dd is eleven. I think the main focus of the assessment is to ensure that the dancers are in the correct class and to provide feedback for them rather than assessing out but, as with all dance programs, one never knows. As dd has only been there a short while I don't know if assessments are done annually.

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My daughter auditioned last Sunday but unfortunately received a no this morning. She was in group 2 and with a limited syllabus background I'm not surprised - though disappointed... She had a great time, enjoyed the experience and will no doubt have renewed energy to put back into her ballet. The experience has made me/us realise that her current timetable of only one ballet lesson a week is probably not enough, need to do some research to find additional lessons. Her focus has in recent years been on Modern probably to the detriment of ballet. Time to re-focus.

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I am so pleased for you DD Balletmum20 - really well done and I know she will love it. Bug hug to your DDHappymoocow. It's good she enjoyed the audition and still enjoys her ballet. Please encourage her to try again if she wants to as my DD has had no letters before and has kept on going. Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear.

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That's for the words of encouragement, what helps with the disappointment is that she has also received a letter this week via school so say that following some outreach sessions they did at her school she has been invited to Tring in July for a review for further scholarship lessons, looks like this will be for a Jazz session. Ballet is showing itself to be a gap in her skill set. Need to research how to plug it. Well done Balletmum 20- celebrations tonight?

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