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Dance Moms on Sky in the UK!


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All sky viewers - The first season of Dance Moms (probably the best!) is now on Sky TV on Bio channel (156).


Its addictive viewing, although for all the wrong reasons! Please note that a lot of it is scripted or staged by Lifetime (the production company)


It's now on Season 3 in the USA and my friends share it with me using online storage and on tonight's episode in the USA dance teacher colleagues from RGDANCE in Australia visit and share some of their tips for success on the show! Very excited to watch it as soon as I get hold of it!

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Ok thus has surprised me a lot I expected Abby Lee to be awful. So far she isn't that bad if you see it in the context of a comp class not a normal class.


I've certainly been that strict with my own daughter (but not other people's mind).


On the while the mothers are terrible except for Nia's mum.


And socks on bare floor are banned in all our classes too even drama.

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Watched it yesterday. It was so funny! But I did think Abby Lee was pretty awful. Wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her. Ha ha Tulip I saw those people sketching the fat man - was very confused. Looking forward to the next episode. anyone know when it is? Same time next Tuesday?

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Just been and watched some of it on YouTube.  Definitley wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of the Teacher and I was a bit unsure of some of the moms, not quite sure from the one episode I saw that I would want to be dealing with them.  Everyone I've met along our road has been lovely, teachers, moms and the dancers alike.

Edited by porthesia
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we recorded it and my two girls are watching it now. they both said please mum dont turn into one of them mums. Not a chance. So glad we dont do comps.

We do comps but are so not like this! Not have we ever come across very competitive mums at comps! Comps can be very enjoyable and a great learning experience for kids and mums if you don't take it too seriously!

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I have just watched a tiny clip from episode 3, I just cant believe what I am watching. These kids are scared of the teacher. I cant see any of them enjoying what they are doing and the parents are using the children to fulfil their own dreams. I understand its very scripted but from the tiny amount I have seen I am in shock.

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I must say that we did go to a dance school once and the owner who was not the ballet teacher was like this.The children were so scared of her.One day they were rehearsing for the show when she stormed in and started screaming a one girl and told her she was rubbish in front of everybody, the poor girl was in tears.We left because of her behavior but we had to leave the best ballet teacher behind.Funny though,the ballet teacher left soon after and we are back with her at a new school.

Another ballet teacher we had for a short while told my dd to only eat a apple for dinner!and told the rest not to eat at all!

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This is carsh crash tv.  You don't want to watch but you just can't help it.  I think the moms are appalling and so unsupportive of each other, but Abbey Lee is worse!  I wouldn't  care how good a results she got, I wouldn't let her train my daughter!


Got to say though it is a wonderful wind down after a busy day on a Tuesday evening.

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Just watched an episode on you tube. I have never seen such awful treatment of children by their own mothers and their teacher. Parents criticising other mothers and children infront of their kids. It is car crash though! You do want to watch more but I can't quite believe what I'm seeing! It's almost child abuse!!

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