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Does anybody know how the number of 'views' of a post is calculated?  I posted a ticket for sale yesterday and, according to the site it has had zero 'views'.  Despite this I've had an enquiry about the ticket.  I think it unlikely the person enquiring is psychic!  This leads me to believe that this feature of the site does not work properly.

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I know from experience on Ballet Alert, which uses the same software, that the Views count isn't updated in real time - there's often quite a long  timelag and I assume (though I've never checked closely enough to see it happening) that the count then jumps by the number accumulated in that time. But a gap of a whole day doesn't sound right.

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I've noticed for a while now that when new threads are started the "views" seems to stay at zero until a reply has been made and then they jump up.  There was one PR that I started that looked as though it had no views.  I posted further information and the views immediately went to 123!


I think this seems to be a fairly recent occurence so perhaps something happened last time there were changes to the board software.

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