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Elmhurst Lower School Results


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Morning all ! Been following the White Lodge results coming in with interest , but it seems that noone is anxiously awaiting Elmhurst results (like me!!) . Is it just a coincidence that the majority of year 7 this year are White lodge finalists , or is it that everyone is focussed on these because they come out first . Is it now the case that Elmhurst wait for the successful White lodge candidates to withdraw from the Elmhurst mix ( if indeed that is their choice) or do they send out offers to all the ones they want , and a few reserves ? As a teacher , I have had children through the White Lodge , Tring , and Hammond process , but only my son re Elmhurst , and that was for year 10 . So just wondering, basically how much longer it will be ? I know it is 2 of my pupils , not my children , but I still feel like an anxious parent ! We are fortunate to have other good options , so I am not worried long term , just terrible at waiting !!!!!

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tutugirl - there's always a flurry of excitement on the forum about the WL results as they come out first.  We'll all be anxiously waiting to hear from everyone about the Elmhurst results (and others) next!!   Good luck to your pupils.

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Good Evening, I am new to all this  :) my daughter has never auditioned for anything before and we are anxiously waiting for the finals result! I never thought when we started all this that it would be such an emotional journey...I feel quite ill with the stress of waiting and worrying about the outcome! Any help or advice welcome.

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Hello Ballet4life,


I think most of us on here know exactly what you're going through...


All you can tell yourself (and your dd) is that she has done her absolute best - and that is all that could be asked of her. The subjective view of others is not something in our control. Whatever happens, she has done brilliantly to get this far and if it is a no this time then there will be many more opportunities to come for her. But, really hoping you do get good news...


Klaris x

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Thank you sooo much to everyone for all your lovely replies! Of course no letter today either so another sleepless night... But taking little peeks during work at everyone's support today really help me. I know that it is the same for all the wonderful girls who auditioned and their parents and I wish everyone luck who is also waiting!

Edited by Ballet4life
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Thank you sooo much to everyone for all your lovely replies! Of course no letter today either so another sleepless night... But taking little peeks during work at everyone's support today really help me. I know that it is the same for all the wonderful girls who auditioned and their parents and I wish everyone luck who is also waiting!

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