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Tring MDS funding audition


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DD attended MDS funding audition but unsuccessful...she is on the reserve list but there were 45 at finals and we were not told how many awards they had.


Does anyone know of anyone who has got MDS from reserve list in past years? Or how many go on to the reserve list? Thanks x

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Two things about Tring MDS places:

1. They ring people on the day of the funding finals to offer them a place.

2. Everyone who is not successful at the funding final goes on the reserve list.

You may be offered a place if someone who was successful gets offered a place at Elmhurst or White Lodge in the next few days.

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Thanks charlie4dancin yes very proud of her, shes done fab whatever happens but as people say when one door closes another opens and she'll keep trying, i dont come on here often but i think its amazing how all of these children just keep on going !! They are a credit to themselves :-)

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We know plenty of people who have got in off the waiting list - there's often people who turn it down once the WL and Elmhurst results are out. And, if you're curious, I believe they might tell you where you are on the waiting list - can help with some perspective. Saw a friend's daughter gradually make her way up the sixth form waiting list last year. Fingers crossed.

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45 were at funding audition 6 taken for physio assessment ds included. told that there were 15 children competing for each MDS place after I emailed  Adelia  .The maths tell me that they only had 3 funded places. Ds very disappointed on Tuesday but delighted when a yes for white lodge come on Wednesday.

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Don't give up hope on this one , a pupil of mine who was on the reserve list  was offered an MDS long after the audition , was all prepared for her other vocational school , uniform and all - so it really came too late for her - but it does happen .

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I know many people have said about phone calls the same day for MDS places but I know someone who got a year 8 MDS place (several years ago now) and notification was by post TWO WEEKS after funding audition - she was never told she was on a waiting list and indeed knowing all the details I know am sure that this wasn't the case.So don't make any assumptions until you have actually heard from them!

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45 were at funding audition 6 taken for physio assessment ds included. told that there were 15 children competing for each MDS place after I emailed Adelia. The maths tell me that they only had 3 funded places. Ds very disappointed on Tuesday but delighted when a yes for white lodge come on Wednesday.

THREE places - Ye Gods!

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Thankyou Kat09, rachaelb12,tutugirl, Juliew we can always live in hope... Theodore well done to your son a lovely journey about to begin for him ...


Sorry if i misunderstood your post spooky but i wasnt making assumptions as Dd received her letter and it clearly states there is a reserve list so maybe things have changed?


Taxi you just have to laugh lol !! X

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When my DD auditioned a couple of years ago, we were told there were 7 MDS places for the whole school then including year 7. So a drop to 3 is significant but I don't believe the government has reduced the funding for MDS, it has kept it at the same level for the last couple of years and intends to do so for the next couple of years.


It is more likely that more students further up the school have an MDS place and not many with MDS are leaving this year; maybe more than usual are staying for 6th form and retaining their MDS funding for that which they are allowed to do, especially given the changes to DaDAs.

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I suspect Ribbons is correct and that at the moment more 6th formers than normal are retaining their mds funding.  Funding auditions and final auditions for 6th form have not even finished yet so they are unlikely to know if they have funding or even places elswhere.  I have not heard of any changes in funding levels for mds either, but to the best of my knowledge mds cannot be carried on into 6th form at Hammond so changes in DADA are unlikely to have had a knock on effect on mds awards for the lower school.

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I don't really understand the 3 MDS quota.  If 3 kids needed full funding, that would be the same as 6 needing half funding wouldn't it?  Or do they just offer three and lucky government if actually those 3 kids don't need the full funding?!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi - New to this forum, but not new to ballet!  My dd is on the reserve list for funding for Tring.  However, I think all the beds have now been allocated so you would only get a place last minute if you were a day pupil.  Can anyone clarify this?  I am assuming this as the date for registration has passed.  Love this forum and it really is a lifeline.  Also feel that we should have auditioned for Hammond this year, if we'd known how many funded places were available.  Thanks to everyone for their support x

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I think you might still be able to apply for hammond , as one of my pupils parents phoned them the other week (after final mds funding  day ) and was told to submit a dvd. Good luck . My little pupil who got an MDS to Tring  off reserve list , got it too late , and had bought Hammond uniform and everything . late places do come !!

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