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words of Wisdom


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Hi there just thought I'd share a few words of wisdom which my dance teacher shared with me some 35 years ago.


"Some of my pupils will become performers, but others will make excellent teachers. Remember not all performers will make good teachers and not all good teachers are able to get up on stage and perform. Either way the joy of dance is within each of them and will probably still with them all there lives."


I unfortunately never made it as either although I did teach for a while - but had to give up - that's another story. but my love and joy of dance has never left me and at the age of 40 I gave birth to a dd who has my passion and love of dance and a far greater ambition than I ever had. Not only am I watching her develope but I go festivals, ISTD awards and watch other dc and get immense satisfaction and joy watching them all develop and enjoy dancing.


I know how rocky and hard a dancers life can be, but I don't regret a minute of my dancing life or any penny and time I've spent on my DD . Oh and it's still my favourite exercise each week.

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What a lovely thing to share - Oldermum.


My first teacher - an elderly lady - said to me one day:


"As long as you and your students dance - I will still be dancing."


Since at least one of my students is still dancing - so my first teacher, though long gone, is still dancing.  And, thus, so am I.  That thought does brighten up the day.  :)

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Yes, my young and wise 20 year old dd would agree with that. As she often reminds me.....mum, some children just dance for fun, they don't want to go away to vocational school or become a ja, she certainly never did! She loved performing in panto's and festival's, she loves dancing still. Infact I think it was easier with her, than with my ds at vocational school.

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Anjuli, your beautiful words reminded me of my Dad. He used to say that if you could touch the years that your family live through with your fingertips, then you could span nearly two hundred years! My own grandmother was born in 1890 .....and my own children will hopefully live long into this century. It's a lovely thought. A kind of immortality through those we love.

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I can't believe after I posted this, I went to check my emails and received an email that said my former teacher is going to celebrate her 100th birthday on 27 March.

What a coincidence:)  Dancing certainly kept her active. Her name is Mrs Hilda Wroe (Hilda Halliwell) and she taught in Southport at Loretto School of Dancing and in East Lancs (Burnley & Nelson area). She was an RAD examiner and travelled the world examining. A true inspiration.

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Haha yeah... a few years ago my dance school went to see a gala performance... afterwards we were waiting outside where everyone comes out and we got to meet some of the dancers... Paloma Herrera and Alina Cojocaru were the ones I really remember talking to! My teacher had some contacts through the program, and I feel so lucky that we actually met them! :) 

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