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Royal Ballet School Summer Intensive applications 2022


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Crazy to ask for parents height.....

I had really tall patents & siblings yet barely reach 5’ yet my son is over 6’5”!!

So it’s absolutely no accurate indicator & surely potentially discriminatory & invasive (eg. Adopted/fostered youngsters may have no access to blood relatives height....) Seems very non PC & very out moded.

i also noted YBSS asked for height & weight of youngsters & greatly disapprove of this too. They will have photos which should be enough to guage; asking for weights especially is potentially harmful as could trigger weight issues if places are or not offered...

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None of their logic makes sense. Knowing the height of the parents says nothing about the age at which a child will experience a growth spurt. My dad was 5’9” and my mom was 5’4”. When I was 13 I was only 5’ tall. By 18 I was 5’8”. I grew late for a girl and surpassed any height expectations. My sister, with the very same parents, grew at a completely different rate than I did and ended up a few inches shorter. One of my daughters was always short and the other was always average. Now at 16 and 18 they are 5’8” and 5’9”. None of the height predictors based on parents’ heights or height of the children at 2 years old even came close to predicting their current heights and there was certainly nothing to indicate the age at which they would experience their growth spurts. It seems to me that it would be much more appropriate to ask questions like, “Has your child recently had a growth spurt?” Knowing the heights of my husband and myself certainly didn’t indicate to the school that my 16 year old daughter grew 4” in the year leading up to the summer program, and I feel like that would have been much more helpful for them to know.

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Hello! Applied for the first time for summer intensive (not expecting a yes as we did the photos ourselves and I'm not a dancer....). Anyone know when we will get results? Also where it asked whether you were interested in being considered for a place in the school I said no (as she is in another vocational school). Does this question have any bearing on their decision do you think? 

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4 hours ago, Raquelle said:

Hello! Applied for the first time for summer intensive (not expecting a yes as we did the photos ourselves and I'm not a dancer....). Anyone know when we will get results? Also where it asked whether you were interested in being considered for a place in the school I said no (as she is in another vocational school). Does this question have any bearing on their decision do you think? 

Even if you ticked the no box, but your child was the perfect fit, they would probably offer a place anyhow. So I can’t see that it matters. I’m guessing it’s more on the photos and experience ( for older students) They like to see as many new ‘potentials’  as possible, as in dancers they haven’t seen before, which is maybe why there is such a large international cohort. The internationals don’t do associates etc. 
It’s always worth keep applying if you get waitlist. It just depends who is applying that year and you never know. Of course, it’s costly. Sometimes something comes up as late as May and we know it’s possible to get something 2nd or even third time applying.

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5 hours ago, Raquelle said:

Hello! Applied for the first time for summer intensive (not expecting a yes as we did the photos ourselves and I'm not a dancer....). Anyone know when we will get results? Also where it asked whether you were interested in being considered for a place in the school I said no (as she is in another vocational school). Does this question have any bearing on their decision do you think? 

Sorry trying to reply and seem to be having problems 😅  I've messaged below lol now but I have ticked no and am wondering the same now 🤔

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I think if you have entered an application for Spring Intensive most use the same photos if you are re-applying for summer, I know I have. It’s does however state the following on their website…….


Please use current images and do not use any images you have used in a previous Royal Ballet School application.

Although as my DD has got older I have started to retake the photos for each application due to how much she has changed/improved in the photo positions they require, unfortunately I cannot say if this has increased any chances of getting in, as we have always had waitlist, new photos or not, in around 6 waitlist applications she has received a waitlist place once, but this was for Spring and new photos were used for this application.


Sorry probably not much help, I think it’s personal choice if you want to reuse them, and whether you can deal with the stress of retaking them 😆  I don’t think Royal would discard your application if you do despite what they suggest on their website, but maybe if you think they could be improved it could be worth doing.


Good luck ☺️



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We noticed that the photo requirements for the more difficult poses (that's as technical as i get 🤣) seem to be for younger than I remember, unless I am wromg, which I easily could be lol, worth checking the age on the requirements for each set before re-taking, or taking x

Edited by Crazylifecrazykids
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55 minutes ago, Crazylifecrazykids said:

We noticed that the photo requirements for the more difficult poses (that's as technical as i get 🤣) seem to be for younger than I remember, unless I am wromg, which I easily could be lol, worth checking the age on the requirements for each set before re-taking, or taking x

I think you are right. We’ve had to take new photos as they are different from the spring intensive requirements x 

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It’s disgraceful that schools/summer schools are still requesting childrens weights. They can see from photos what a CHILD looks like, YES I use that word again CHILD. How does that child feel, being weighed to get accepted for an audition, what little voice is whispering in that child’s ear. 
This has gone on for years, and it’s totally unacceptable and out of date.
My daughter danced in the senior royal ballet summer school a few times and loved it. I don’t remember weighing her, but she was already body aware for ballet by that point. During a conversation with her, now she is an adult and a professional dancer, I asked her at what point where you aware of your body. Shockingly she told me that it began with height, she was slightly taller than her friends at her non vocational school, meaning bigger not taller, she was six. 
Once at vocational school, weight was never hidden, but that’s another conversation. We shouldn’t be weighing our children for non medical reasons, it’s not healthy, be very careful with your beautiful, beautiful dancers xx

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Well said Tulip!

and it’s not just in ballet....

For some (unknown?) reason our local primary school started weighing kids.... my son was deemed as over weight for his age (no mention of the  fact that he was also seriously ‘over height’ for his age...a good head taller than the next nearest in his class....& at 16 is now pushing 6’6”!)

This caused massive trouble at the time as he began to assume he was fat & he stppped eating puddings/sweets/saying no to crisps etc & actually got worryingly thin to the eye...yet by ‘statistics’ he was still overweight. ENOUGH!!!

its so blindingly obvious to the eye & to very close contacts when someone has a problem with high or low weight for their particular frame & it’s also these same people best placed to notice any unusual behaviours around food/their body image/mental health etc. 

It should be illegal to ask for weight on any form whether it be for a summer  or full time course. Why does this world of ballet feel it is above regular common sense safe guarding of children & young adults???



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, DanceMum03 said:

Any thoughts on when we might find out results for summer intensive places? Closing date tomorrow...

Ok I was so traumatised by the long wait for the JA results last year that to prepare myself again I did some Instagram stalking and saw that SI results were out on the 18th March last year . Obv could be different this year but seems like it could be less of a wait 

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15 hours ago, Waverley said:

Last year the applications closed later (on 3 March I believe - quickly searched my emails) and we got results on 18 March as @Lily Craggssays so it was a relatively quick process. Hope it might be similar this year! 

That's good to know, thankyou. Fingers crossed for similar

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I am New on this forum. My daughter 10 1/2 yo. applied for her first RBS summer intensive and we will see what will be the result! She already did a summer intensive in France last year and loved it. It was Theilaia international in Lyon with no photo selection. So we’ll see for RBS. I think there’s not a big chance to be selected but it is always good to try. Happy to have found a forum to meet other parents participants.

we are from Switzerland.

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2 minutes ago, Lilidance said:


I am New on this forum. My daughter 10 1/2 yo. applied for her first RBS summer intensive and we will see what will be the result! She already did a summer intensive in France last year and loved it. It was Theilaia international in Lyon with no photo selection. So we’ll see for RBS. I think there’s not a big chance to be selected but it is always good to try. Happy to have found a forum to meet other parents participants.

we are from Switzerland.


Hello Lilidance and welcome to the Forum!

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1 hour ago, MissEmily said:

Has anyone ever heard of a Year 6 child not getting through to WL finals, but being offered Summer School? Are they separate processes, or linked? My pupil has just had a no from WL but obviously her Summer School application is still active. Thank you!


Yes - we did.  It was such a lovely surprise so don't give up hope! ☺️

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1 minute ago, sunrise81 said:

It makes you wonder how they choose  and what is so different 🤔 🤣

I think it’s just to give us parents one more thing to stress about 😂😂.

@MissEmilythank you for asking the question and thank you to others for positive stories. It’s hard to remain positive and I think summer school places are like hens teeth so expecting a no but I’ve literally just been stressing over whether I’ve submitted the right photos 🙈

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Ohhhh it's all bonkers, isn't it? I've heard every combination of stories under the sun! Basically, once you've combined some innate talent (feet, turnout, proportions, musculature) with decent training, it's all down to luck and who's looking at you on the day! So hard to explain that to our little ones.

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