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Missing Dance for School events


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If its compulsory for the whole school then I would be making sure both did it. My two girls regularly have the same problem with dancing and school commitments as they both sing in the choir and play percussion in the orchestra. They do miss odd dance lessons for school events and performances but in my opinion it is me who has lost out since they are pre paid, and we make sure missed classes are minimal so they do not affect learning of syllabus work. Similarly however, when they are preparing for festivals or dance shows they make sure they have full attendance at dance, sometimes having to leave school a bit early or having the day off if necessary. I feel that you have to attend the boring parts as well as the exciting parts of life and doing school activities as well as dance wherever possible makes my two girls more rounded individuals. One dance class is just that so I wouldn't even think twice even though I truly value commitment. However, we must all do what we think is right for our own children.

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If its compulsorary for the whole school, I tend to agree that perhaps both children should go. You might have had very little notice about the choir taking part but presumably you have had plenty of notice about the evening carol service and the school would have been expecting your DD and DS to be there, unless you notified them of a clash of commitments as soon as dates came out as you would have done last time with the panto.

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