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Forum Fundraising 2020


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Dear Forum Members (and lurkers!),


First of all, we hope you are keeping well in these strange and uncertain times.  I know that we are all suffering from the lack of live performance, be it ballet, dance, opera, concerts or theatre.  


Despite the dearth of anything to see over these past months, the Forum community has held itself together and has kept going.  This mutual support is much appreciated.  Speaking of support...we have now just about come to the end of Forum funding and we are therefore reaching out to you, our members (and lurkers!), for your help.  


Because of contributors' astounding generosity in our last fundraising drive, we have not had to approach you since 2015.  That is an amazing feat!  However, the time has now come where we need to ask you again for your donations in order to keep the Forum going.  All the money raised goes to paying Invision, our website hosts.  Depending on usage, the average cost is now about $100 per month. We also need to pay to keep our domain name going.   I would like to reiterate that no money goes to the moderators;  we are all volunteers and don't pay ourselves anything for our time and work.  


As in 2015, we would like to suggest a contribution of £12.00 per person.  We do realise that these are difficult and uncertain times and that some people may struggle with this.  Please note that this is a suggested amount, and anything that you can afford would be most gratefully received.  On the other hand...you don't have to limit yourself to £12.00 if you don't want to...!  In order for us to be able to take stock and do the admin, if all donations could be received by Friday, 20th November 2020 that would be wonderful.  We will reach the 10th birthday of the Forum in January 2021 and what better gift can we all give it than to ensure its future?  Payment is very easy:  please click the "DONATE HERE" link below and follow the instructions.  We regret that we are unable to acknowledge individual donations, so please ignore the tick box that refers to this.  




Should you have any problems or questions, please contact the moderators by email on:   balletcoforum@gmail.com


Meanwhile, we thank you very much in advance for any contributions you are able to make, and we hope it's not too long before we can all get back to writing about live performances on the Forum.


With best wishes,


Simonetta Dixon


BalletcoForum Committee

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Hello again members and lurkers!  Well, unbelievably, we are coming to the end of our fundraising for this time.  We would like to thank all of you so very much for your generosity thus far, especially in these awful and weird times.  


This is a final appeal to donors...your generosity ensures the continuing of the forum into the future.  We are almost upon our 10th birthday, and we would love to see the forum continue for at least that long again.  All details are in the first post of this thread.  


We will close the fundraising on Sunday 15 November...but please feel free to donate later if a different date is easier for you.


Once again, on behalf of all the Moderators, a huge thank you to you all.


Best wishes,


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