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Link to performances by Conservatorio Annarella, Leira, on 17th July and 31st July 2020, GISELLE ACT 2 and Anton Dolin Pas de Quatre and Variations for 4


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Thank you for posting.

This young man is one to watch, but he is not alone:

Francisco Gomes is his contemporary, and like António, strong in classical, character and contemporary.

João Gomes his older brother has recently left the school direct to Teatro Sibiu Company, Romania and already is showing his merits  not just as strong team player in the company but also as solist.

Guilio Diligente is following through the school  and showing promise too.

Matilde Rodrigues has just been accepted to the Birmingham Royal Ballet as Artist

Margarita Fernandes and Margarida Gonçalves are outstanding too.

The list goes on...too many to mention...

This school is producing so many future artists and some outstanding teachers and choreographers too. They were extremely fortunate to have a strong cohort that worked together well in a family atmosphere, supported by some committed teachers, coaches and parents, and became the magnet that attracted others suitably motivated.

We have been lucky to see many of the schools productions and to watch the development of these young people.

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