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Good afternoon

I am seeking help from parents with vocational students at 11+ upwards who are studying full time at specialist vocational schools - music, dance or musical theatre ......who have a diagnosed disability - mental health, anxiety, Asperger's syndrome, ASD, learning disability including dyslexia and dyspraxia etc.  I am interested to find out the name of the institution and course or GCSE's etc,  how support is provided, how it is funded - i.e. is the student in receipt of a DAD, MDS or privately funded, who pays, if anyone, for any specific support provided due to the disability.  I am aware of the support available for students on degrees where Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is available, but it is all the others from 11+ where a support need might be identified but not provided.


I am undertaking this research as I am involved in the initial research prior to setting up a private company to provide this support through identified funding.


Please respond via PM!  All personal details will be kept confidential and the information provided used to underpin the knowledge gained to explore if the companies aims are sustainable and if the funding that has been identified would be suitable for students with disabilities in these situations.


Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


aka Taximom


Best of luck with it, taximom.  I don't know if this thread might be of any help?


Or this one:


Try searching for threads tagged with "special needs", "additional needs" and "disability" for some help.


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