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I am messaging you with bad news, dd has come home from vocational not only has she struggled with terrible homesickness but she has struggled with her dietary requirements which we always knew was going to be a BIG risk!!! We are feeling very emotionally drained and quite obviously gutted...as well as leaving a financial nightmare to sort out with fees and funders to pay back!!!

 I am very proud of Our dd she has made a very brave choice knowing what she has given up!!! But we will continue to support her 100%...


Thank you once again

C xxxx


So, so sorry to hear this. Is there no chance of her taking a couple of weeks out just to be absolutely sure?


But yes shes been brave- and so have you by the sound of it. Good luck.

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A great big hug to you and your dd, she has made a very brave choice. Two of the Brits who went out to Russia in September have or are returning home, one to go to Elmhurst and the other will give up dancing. Vocational schools are not for everyone and it certainly does not mean the end to a dancing career. Good luck to your very brave little girl. xx

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I'm so sorry to hear this; a tough time for you all. But there is life beyond vocational school and it sounds as if she has made a brave decision. I don't know your story but whatever, I think it is one of the toughest decisions to make.


Wishing your family and daughter the best and success on the next step.x

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All the very best to you and your dd as she settles back in at home. A brave decision, but clearly the right one for your dd at the present time. The toughest bit is actually making the decision, after that you breathe a big sigh of relief and just get on with things. We had to give up a year 7 vocational place a few years ago, for different reasons, but it certainly wasn't the end of the road. Most important thing is that she is happy and that you are not constantly worrying. Good luck.

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I echo what others have said, that it doesn't have to mean the end of the dancing dream. A terribly hard decision but it's just a change of route, not the end of the road. Hugs to you all.

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Thanks everyone it has been quite a rollercoaster... One I'm most certainly ready to get off!!! The last 6 months have been the longest and hardest we have ever had to face ;( but it can only make us stronger and I'm sure my dd will bounce back really soon!!!


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C4D - you have been amazing in supporting your daughter not only to enable her to fulfill her Hammond dream but also supporting her in this brave, difficult decision. And you will never have that 'what if...' moment - you should feel so proud that you did all you could for her. Whatever she has gained from her time there will not be lost and she is still so young that her dream is still very much within her reach.

Sending you both all our very best wishes and lots of hugs xx

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What a tough decision for your dd to make. There's no shame in trying vocational school and finding that it's not right for her for the time being. It's much better than not trying it and thinking "if only" for years to come. I do, however, agree with hfbrew that perhaps a final decision should be postponed for a week or two in case your dd has a change of heart once she has had a chance to take stock of the situation. I don't know your dd or her specific reasons for wanting to leave vocational school but I do know a few children who have gone to boarding school and have had a very rocky time for some months before they eventually settled down. Only you and your dd will know whether vocational school just isn't right for her now.

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For some actually deciding to leave is the brave decision, it is not about giving up. You have 3 very, very good reasons. I know it will be lovely to have her home. Anything is still possible, no doors are closed forever.

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Best wishes to you, and I hope you will see a way forward. It is not the end of the road, you explored one route, but found it wasn't for you. There's a saying - one door closes and another one opens.

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Hugs to you both. This must be so difficult for all of you. This may be for the best, she is still young and has plenty of time to recover and come back stronger from this brave decision. x

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What a tough decision for you both. Hope your DD is OK and at least she gave it a go. Boarding is not for everyone and children leaving during the first term is not as unusual as you might think. Often they decide to try again when they are a bit older in year 10 or 6th form.

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best wishes and good luck to you both. I echo what others have said - you can only do what is best for your DD and if at the moment that is staying at home and dancing locally then so be it. If it is meant to be I am sure she will get the opportunity again when she is more ready to cope with it all. At the end of the day, whatever path our children take in life all we want for them is to be happy and healthy.

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Very sorry to hear your news and hope that everything works out for you all in the future. Hope some lovely opportunities come your way.

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We are very sorry to hear your news, DD also sends her big hugs, at the moment its important to do whats right for her and youselves as a family. Your DD is a lovely dancer and this whole experience as you say will only make you all more stronger.


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Bless you both C4D and big hugs. You can cherish every minute you have with her at home. You know from others here there are different routes to her dreams and she had the opportunity to try one of those, better to have had that chance. All the best.


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My heart goes out to you C4D and your daughter. The main thing is she is healthy and happy.Boarding School is not the be all and end all.But a happy,well balanced child is.

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Oh,and just to add,thank you also for sharing your news with us all on here. You could have kept that private and we would have been none the wiser,and you would have had every right to do so. Thank you for your openness with people you have never met.

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Just wanting to send big hugs to you and your dd - and we understand how very real and difficult the dietary issues are. I hope the school at least tried to get this right for her xxx

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So tough to get to this point but I am pleased that some of the stress is over for you all. I know how hard it is waiting for a call and hoping so badly that there will be a cheerful voice at the end of the phone. Better to have a happy healthy daughter who can sit at the kitchen table telling you about her day. There is always next year, and the year after that....xxxx

  • Like 1

So tough to get to this point but I am pleased that some of the stress is over for you all. I know how hard it is waiting for a call and hoping so badly that there will be a cheerful voice at the end of the phone. Better to have a happy healthy daughter who can sit at the kitchen table telling you about her day. There is always next year, and the year after that....xxxx

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So sorry to hear your news C4D but the most important thing is that your daughter is happy and her health isn't being compromised. It must have been a very hard decision for your daughter to make but it shows real maturity and strength of character. As the path to becoming a professional dancer is a very long and arduous one often with many setbacks along the way, this isn't the end of the road, just a diversion at this moment in time. Wishing you both all the very best for the future.

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I wish you all the best ,I am a great believer in things happen for a reason ,you will look back on this later in life and realise if you had not taken this decision it would not have opened doors to many more things . Hope that makes sense lol . life is to short to be unhappy Your dd is so brave and I wish her lots of joy xxx

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