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Stephen Beagley

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14 minutes ago, mart said:

What is the difference, does it make him less guilty 


"Found guilty" suggests he pleaded innocent but was found quilty by a jury.  That was not the case; he pleaded guilty and that will be taken in account when he is sentenced (the normal position is a 33% reduction in the sentence if the plea was entered at the first stage of proceedings).

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31 minutes ago, mart said:


Pleading guilty does not make him 33% less guilty


No-one said it does.  There are very detailed sentencing guidelines which the judge will follow.  There are a number of reasons why a guilty plea is taking into account in sentencing, including that an acceptance of an acceptance of guilt: i) normally reduces the impact of the crime upon victims; ii) saves victims and witnesses from having to testify; and iii) is in the public interest in that it saves public time and money on investigations and trials.  


If you disagree with this, I suggest you speak to your MP.

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mart ,

The one third discount for an early guilty plea is a pragmatic attempt to persuade defendants to plead guilty at the earliest possible stage of the criminal process and dissuade them from pleading not guilty gambling on the non attendance of the witnesses resulting in their case being dismissed. Rather than relying on variable local practices or the individual application of judicial discretion the rule guarantees a standard benefit for an early guilty plea across the criminal justice system in England and Wales. It has to  be remembered that the later a defendant leaves pleading guilty the lower the discount the guilty plea will attract A defendant who only pleads guilty at the courtroom door when he know that all the prosecution witnesses have attended court.will generally, at best, receive  a very small discount for his plea. I should like to point out that most ordinary citizens who know nothing about the law find attending court to give evidence a pretty traumatic experience even when they only have peripheral involvement in the case being tried. The rationale behind the sentencing discount is that the witnesses in the case , and in particular victims, have been spared the trial process and the experience of giving evidence and being cross examined on it. 


At one time the general rule  about late pleas attracting a small sentencing discount was modified when late guilty pleas were tendered in cases involving vulnerable victims,child victims and child witnesses who by reason of their age the courts are required to protect. The rationale behind this being that not only is it a disgrace to abuse children it is also a disgrace to  expose them to abuse during the court process something that was all but inevitable when a case went to trial and a victim was cross examined. The idea was that the victim had been spared the ordeal of giving evidence. and the defendant should be given some credit for this. Today when there are special measures which can be applied to receiving evidence from children and vulnerable witnesses the court may be less inclined to to give a bigger discount for a late guilty plea than was once the practice in this type of case.


Please note I am writing in general terms rather than expressing an opinion on a specific case and I hope that you find it helpful. In general I think that the press and in particular the more popular titles do a very bad job in writing about this country's legal system and that criminal justice system and sentencing are particularly badly served. Unfortunately such news papers much prefer to generate the heat of outrage than to inform their readership.

Edited by FLOSS
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23 hours ago, LinMM said:

It's al just really sad he was such a lovely dancer.


I always used to hope he'd be dancing the Ashton Pas de Quatre in Swan Lake Act 3 opposite Michael Batchelor, ideally with Wendy Ellis and Rosalyn Whitten, and was invariably delighted when he was. Terribly sad indeed ...

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