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Has anyone tried making their own warm up jumpsuit things? my daughter likes them but they are so expensive and I am relatively capable with sewing even without patterns but I wondered if anyone had tried doing them themselves and had any tips to share, type of fabric to use etc. 




thank you both - the prices of them aren't too bad really but when she is still growing I don't think it would get used enough to be worth it so thought making one might be better.


Thanks DancingShoes will PM you now.



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I used to sew them myself for my DD and made my own pattern copying warms ups she already had. (Deconstructing them and adding lenght as she grew)

It's all about fabric patterns. She preferred odd stripes. I used various fabrics from fleece for winter months and knitted fabric, acrylic polyester with lycra and various jersey fabrics. All about pattern.

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I think I will give it a try then. She won't be allowed to wear them in class but it would be great to have something like that to wear in the car and walk to and from lessons, that goes on over ballet tights or modern leggings and comes up high to keep warm with her hoodie over the top. Might start with a lightweight fleece then as that is easy to stitch.


thank you


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The best one we had had ties at the shoulders and waist, and also drawstrings down the calves (vertically) so you could 'let it out' as they grew. Great for keeping kids decent over a nude undertard when they are between costumes or tutus.

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11 hours ago, Cara in NZ said:

The best one we had had ties at the shoulders and waist, and also drawstrings down the calves (vertically) so you could 'let it out' as they grew. Great for keeping kids decent over a nude undertard when they are between costumes or tutus.

not seen any like that - will investigate. thank you


My Sansha one was like that and has since been donated to my youngster dd who still dances in local shows as I don’t dance now for various reasons including a mending broken knee. 

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I’ve made several now. The first couple I adapted patterns for harem pants, extending them up for the body length. Since then I’ve just self drafted them. It doesn’t necessarily save a great deal on the cheapest priced ones but you can buy  better quality fleece and more colours etc! 

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thank you. it would certainly be easier to buy one but I do quite like a challenge so might give it a go. At least if I start thinking about it now I have quite a few months before it gets cold so don't have to rush! (and still time to buy one if it all goes horribly wrong!)


thank you


One word of warning about fleece — if it has a dark fleecy lining you can get fluff balls all over their tights. Our favourite one was a black corduroy type that didn't shed. Might have been Sansha. (You may have already figured this out if DD wears fleecy track pants over ballet tights!)

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6 hours ago, Cara in NZ said:

One word of warning about fleece — if it has a dark fleecy lining you can get fluff balls all over their tights. Our favourite one was a black corduroy type that didn't shed. Might have been Sansha. (You may have already figured this out if DD wears fleecy track pants over ballet tights!)

hehe - good tip there. yes the girls have liked wearing the primark fleece lined leggings and the one in tights has noticed this.

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