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Website User Testers- over 18's only (Ballet I AM Project)


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Hello Everyone,

Good Morning


Following on from our last post we are now looking for responses from all (over 18's).

We would like to know your own journeys with dance and what it gives you.


See example below:


"Ballet for me represents confidence, growth and freedom."- Jasper (West Midlands)


Ideally we would be looking for responses to include first names and states (where you may recide). However this can simply be changed to UK/USA etc. where prefered.


We looking forward to seeing your responses soon :). 


The responses will be used on our website (once sufficient written consent has been gained) under the section #myballetstory.

If you would like to remain annoymous however this is possible too). 


Please note responses will be constructed into speech bubbles and possibly may be distributed on our social media channels too.


Social: https://www.instagram.com/ballet_iam/


We aim to instill confidence and growth within all. Further hoping to inspire many with our project and also spread teh word on accessibility (and how we hope to work on this factor in our own way). Whilst promoting positivity, our interest with 'ownership' and more. 



Responses now open: balletiaminteractive@gmail.com

 [please email us here]


Thank You

Have a nice day

Ash + Denise (Ballet I AM)



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Hello Everyone,

Good Afternoon


We are pleased to announce that our website is finally live. 

Currently, we are looking for a few individuals to test out our website and give us thoughts on content, presentation etc. We would like you to really immerse yourself in our website and be critically aware of each element, further providing constructive feedback in the process. Feedback can even include how we can make website better/content you'd like to see more of on website or content that is 'missing' from the website (your own preferences). 


If you are interested in getting involved/ are able for us to use your responses within our project (as research) then please email us here after viewing the website (link below): 

Please send your responses here (as detailed as possible): balletiaminteractive@gmail.com


Our official website: https://www.balletiaminteractive.com


Thank you in advance.

Happy Sunday!



Ash + Denise (co-collaborators of 'Ballet I AM')

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Hello Ash and Denise,


In line with the "Commerce" section of our Forum rules (http://www.balletcoforum.com/topic/417-the-balletcoforum-acceptable-use-policy/) I have merged your new thread with your existing thread as we do not permit multiple threads on the same subject about commercial enterprises.  If you could update this existing thread each time you have news about your website or research, we would be grateful. 


May I also ask you to add your commercial contact details into your profile signature? Details on how to do this are in the Acceptable Use Policy above.


Many thanks!


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