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Rambert - Spring Tour 2018

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I saw Rambert at Theatre Clwyd last Wednesday (7th March).


The triple bill opened with Aletta Collins "The days run away like Wild Horses", which seemed to be a piece of 2 halves.  The first half had a set that was like a room, reminiscent of an AmDram set and seemed to be a sort of Groundhog Day with the dancers repeating the same moves over and over again.  I thought it was absolutely hilarious and (judging by the guffaws all around me) so did the rest of the audience.  


Gradually the set moved out of the way and the dancers started reappearing in wine red costumes - either baggy red dresses or red waistcoats and trousers (none gender specific as to who was wearing them)and the choreography was rather lovely, beautifully fluid.  The score was infused with tango rhythms and I loved it.


The second piece on the programme was Adonis Foniadakis "Symbiosis.  There was a strange looking metal structure at the back, sort of cage bars and the piece opened with Miguel Altunaga standing behind it with the costumes, for me, giving a gladiatorial look to the piece.  I loved the costumes!


According to the programme note the piece is inspired by the dynamic patterns of behaviour and energy created in cities each and every day...  The choreography reflected that against the striking backdrop, spiky and fluid in turn.  There was a gorgeous duet for Miguel Altunaga and one of the other male dancers (I'm not familiar enough with the company to have recognised the dancer with the rather dark lighting).  I think my vision of gladiators is appropriate for this piece!  I enjoyed it greatly.


The evening ended with Itzik Galili's crowd pleasing, incredibly energetic piece "A Linha Curva".  It's percussive score and simian movements were highly enjoyable.


It was a terrific evening. 

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