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Wool for pointe shoe darning


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Hi, I have always used embroidery thread to darn pointe shoes, however at last fitting it was suggested instead of traditional darning my DD should just darn around the platform. Been looking for suitable wool but just not sure what to buy.... any ideas?  Thank you. 

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You can still use normal embroidery thread. Just use several ends at once to get a chunky stitch.

 The aim is to make a rim around the platform. It adds security as it increases the platform size and flattens out any curve at the edges of the platform therefore making it easier to balance and less easy to slip. Even psychologically feeling that you're less likely to slip will help the dancer take the risk to step out or transfer weight properly rather than holding back. It also lengthens the line of the foot.

see pic: (not my shoes!)




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_emeralds is spot on.  A double length of any white/cream/pale pink wool is ideal.  Failing that, a double or triple length of embroidery thread is fine too.  If the thread isn't thick enough you can go round twice.   My daughter cuts the satin off the platform first but some people do that afterwards. 

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Thanks for the advice,  Pointe shoes don't seem to last 5 minutes so hopefully this will be much quicker than the 3 - 4 hours I currently spend, sad about cutting the satin off though!. We are also experimenting with jet glue to try and make the shoes last a bit longer. 


I love this forum everyone is so helpful


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