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The Russian State Ballet & Orchestra of Siberia

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The Russian State Ballet of Siberia 2018.  National Tour  2 January to 4 April 2018:



Although according to this announcement the tour starts on 2 January 2018

the last week advert in “The Sunday Times” advised that the company will be already performing in Cardiff on 19-31 December 2017. 


The schedule is here:  https://www.ents24.com/uk/tour-dates/russian-state-ballet-and-orchestra-of-siberia

However, I don't know if this is a direct ticket sale.

Edited by Amelia
added the last line
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Quite a few years ago a Russian company performed here in Liverpool - not sure if they were the Moscow or Siberian? (hopefully Jan or someone will know).

Odette was good, the very skinny fragile looking Prince was terrible! And the corps were tired.

Anyway they performed Swan Lake and it was the oddest version I've ever seen. In the final act I had noticed that the corps clenched their hands as they danced and at the end it became clear why, when, as one, they raised their arms, opened their hands and sprinkled confetti. I'm afraid I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

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