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Royal Associates - Different types of waitlist?


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I wonder if anyone can shed any light on whether there are different categories of waiting list for Associates (JAs or MAs)?


My DC was put on the waitlist for MAs this year and I was told there was no order to the waitlist by the woman in Royal office, yet someone else has told me they've heard of people being on a 'top select' waitlist for MAs. 


As the  waitlist closed recently (I and others I know whose DC were on the waitlist were emailed by Royal saying they close it at the end of this half term), I was also interested to find out that someone who has this 'top select' waitlist has not been told it has closed but that it will stay open till December.


I was interested to know if anyone on here had direct experience of this 'top select' category, i.e. if a child has been offered a place from the waitlist were they in this category? Does it stay open till December? 


I have asked the associates office at Royal direct but they have again said there is no order and the waitlist is closed.






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I have previous experience of this. In the email it states that ‘we would like to place x on our short waiting list, which will remain open until the October half term...’

I think it is probably interpreted differently by different people for lots of reasons. 


If someone was ‘top select’, surely they’d have been offered a place. I think by December the course would have progressed too far for someone to join in.


If your child is already an associate when the results for the next level come out, there are all sorts of opinions and reactions flying around.


Someone will always make you feel as though your child should/shouldn’t have got a place. And someone will always press the teacher for a response, until they hear what they want to hear, expand on it, and turn it into something else that someone else doesn’t want to hear!! 


Best to keep well out of it. Focus on the email which is in black and white and from RBS. 



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DD was put on the short wait list for year 8 (2016 entry) we were contacted by telephone prior to the term starting offering a place, not sure of the date but emails receiving documentation are dated 5th May so place offered  not long after initial short wait list notification.

Our Mids class has spaces, we were due to have a new starter for year 9 but she was offered a full time school so turned it down and the place has not been filled.  What I’m saying is that it is probable that list has closed (I have no idea when the student notified RB that they were not accepting their place but I know that they were offered a full MDS well before the end of the school year). 

I am sorry if this is disappointing news but I know if I were in your position I would rather know than keep hoping.  


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Thanks for all replies.


This year the initial email came saying short waiting list, then the email last week when they were closing the list said selected waiting list. either way I have been told by royal the list is closed now, not December, which is fine.


It was more I wanted to see if anyone had ever been on something called a top select list, as I had heard of someone who said their dc were and this list closed in December not October. 

Perhaps they were confused? Perhaps, as Harwel said, there was some blurring of lines going on. 


All I know for sure is it is photo time again!


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That (seemingly) never ending cycle of photos and auditions!

A couple of years ago DD2 was on the SWL and we were advised by RBS that if a place became available, all dancers on the SWL were considered (presumably using the photos and notes from the audition). They wouldn't be drawn on how many were on it 😉

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  • 1 month later...

At the risk of adding yet more confusion to this blurry topic....I do seem to recall some years back following a JA audition the letter came saying Mr 'you know who' has placed DD on the 'Directors Wait List'.....at the time had no one to talk to & compare this to know if this was what all waitlist places were called (had not heard of this Forum then!)  I assumed (correctly I'm sure) that there was just one wait list & that if places came free they would be allocated to the next most appropriate wait listed candidate (of similar age/gender to the one declining place). However, the following year, got what I presume was same result for JA audition although this time it was termed as the Selected Wait List.....Summer School applications I think referred to just waitlist (or might have been Select or Short WL?) so I think it's anyone's guess as to what it all means :huh:. I think if ever on a waitlist we all hope our kid will get a place eventually & failing that I think we should all just think that perhaps they were next in line! I really doubt that Associate Schemes (or even full time schools?) really do tell people how high up they are on these waitlists as that could raise false hope & make disappointments all the more bitter. However, one year I do seem to remember hearing from a few quarters that they had been told that their kid was 'top of the reserve list' & 'next in line' etc....Hmmm...at the end of the day not one of these got places on the course in question but I did hear on another who did so makes one wonder if a little 'wishful thinking' gets added into the conversation?

I think Piccolo hit the nail on the head & gives really sound advice when saying "Best to keep well out of it" !

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