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RB dancers appearing at the National Theatre in Timon of Athens

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There are some RB dancers appearing in the production of Timon of Athens at the NT. (Timon is Simon Russell Beale).


There are some rehersal photos on the NT web site for the production which include a picture of Olivia Cowley, Natalie Harrison, Chistina Arestis and Kristen McNally.


This review in the Gurdian says the choreography is by Ed Watson.



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There are some RB dancers appearing in the production of Timon of Athens at the NT. (Timon is Simon Russell Beale).


There are some rehersal photos on the NT web site for the production which include a picture of Olivia Cowley, Natalie Harrison, Chistina Arestis and Kristen McNally.


This review in the Gurdian says the choreography is by Ed Watson.


Really? I *am* surprised - on both counts. Not only because I thought Ed had said in a recent interview that he had no interest in choreographing, but also how are the girls going to fit their performances round their RB schedules? (especially since the implication is that it'll be going on well into the next RB season).


Doesn't Michael Billington write wonderful reviews? Wish we had a ballet critic half as good.


I bet quite a few of them would love to have 550 words to write in, too!

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The dancers' pictures mentioned by Lynette are towards the end of the Rehearsal gallery here:




Other than Michael Billington in the Guardian, the only other reviewer I found who mentioned the dance sequence was Paul Taylor in the Independent - "a rather affected female pas de deux."


Alison: If the RB girls can't do the whole NT run, I'm sure there is no shortage of other dancers in London to take over later performances.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just seen this production. Two dancers appear at every performance, drawn from a list of seven. There are Christina Arestis*, Olivia Cowley*, Emma Harris, Natalie Harrison*, Kristen McNally*, Pitra Mello-Pitman*, Karis Scarlette*. Asterisks indicate those indicated in the programme as appearing by kind permission of the Royal Ballet. (I don't recognise the last name though.) The choreography is credited to Ed Watson


Cindy Jourdain, formerly of the RB appears in an acting role as Livia (a modest role - but it's a rather male dominated play, very much dominated by Timon himself. SRB is terrific).


The production runs to the end of October, and it's one where the £12 Travelex tickets are on offer. It was full - quite an achievement for what's viewed as one of Shakespeare's more difficult plays.

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  • 2 months later...

I saw Timon of Athens yesterday and am mentioning it as a live performance is being relayed to some cinemas on Thursday 1st November, if anyone wants to give it a go (although the prices will probably be dearer than the £12 I paid yesterday) it's a fast moving, excitingly staged and designed modern transformation of an odd, rarely performed Shakespeare play. The 2 dancers I saw were Emma Harris and Karis Scarlette, in a very short duet choreographed by Edward Watson, and as Lynette says Cindy Jourdain has a very minor non-speaking role in it (wish she was still dancing with the RB).







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