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Graduation congratulations


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Congratulations to everyone graduating from dance schools and colleges this week and wishing their parents a lovely time as they look on proudly at final performances and graduation ceremonies.


We'll be very proud parents watching our son graduate from Elmhurst tomorrow. This moment seemed so far away (and maybe never possible) when he started out at his first RBS JA class. It hasn't been easy - for him physically, with various injuries, homesickness, and the change of schools, and for us emotionally while we've supported him, as well as financially - but we got there in the end and he'll be starting out on his career as a professional ballet dancer in less than a month :) . I'm told the first time you see them perform as professionals makes it all worthwhile ;) So, so proud of him :D


And breathe........

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I'm proud of him too :) . I wish him every success, he so deserves it.


Saw my ds in his last school performance on Wednesday. He graduates Saturday.


Think I've forgotten how to breathe.....


About to unfasten the seatbelt and step off the rollercoaster now!


And I may be able to afford a trip to the hairdressers now!

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I am so delighted for both your lovely sons, Julie and hfbrew. You should justifiably be very proud of them and of yourselves for having supported and encouraged them all the way and raising fine young men. :-)


Very many congratulations to all those graduating today - and congratulations and good luck to those starting the next leg of their journey in September; whether that be moving to Upper School, starting Vocational School, moving up a year in Associates, or starting at CATs or Associates.

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How lovely for you all it must be a fabulously proud moment to see them graduate.


How proud you will be when you then see them perform professionally.


It takes much hard work and determination on their part but we all know that it takes so much hard work and sacrifice by the parents to achieve this too.


As a non-vocational Mum my weekends are for ballet and not much for socialising! We start the sixth form audition entry process soon and hope to be in your position at some stage.


So whilst it's well done to them, it's also a big well done to the Mums and Dads! ( applause, take a bow!)



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On Thursday I shall be attending the graduation of my dd who has completed her BA in Dance Performance. She went to a post 16 vocational school and came out with a National Diploma in Professional Dance from Trinity College, DADA students have to do this. She then did 3/4 terms as distance learning, while working, to complete her degree.

I shall be a very proud mother!

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Congratulations to everyone who is graduating and to the wonderful parents who have supported them.


This is a huge accomplishment against tremendous odds.


I wish them all a long and successful career - with lots of bright spot lights and many bouquets of flowers.

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A huge congratulations from me also, the kids have all worked their socks of and they all deserve to do well. A huge hug to the parents aswell as without your support, patience and understanding the students wouldnt be where they are today. xxxx

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JulieW, I was there today and watched your fabulous son and his peer group perform, fantastic - with a DD in yr 8 and her younger siblings chasing at her heels, I cannot imagine how it must feel to have come through the other side and have that lucrative contract in hand. I wish him and all the others every success. The grand defile had me in tears, when Mr Kelly then made his farewell speech, it took me about 15 mins to be able to speak again, how you must have felt! Please keep us up to date with his journey, especially that first time you see him on the professional stage!

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Its lovely to hear the stories of the children who have started their journeys from JA's or vocational school and have now come to their point of graduation. Well done!! We are at the starting end at the moment with DD only having done her first year as a JA, its exciting to wonder what will happen to her on this journey as she continues or if she chooses to continue further down the path!! Its that not knowing what is round the corner that is becoming a quite a fascinating experience!!


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Wow congratulations to all the young dancers graduating:) you all most be very proud !!! My little one is just starting too having got a place as a elmhurst associate and a little worried about the journey we are on but it sounds worth it when I see this post :) well done to the dancers and their parents ;) xxxx

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Congrats and well done to all those who graduated today it was a really wonderful show. It will be us this time next year I hope DS year do as well as this current group.


Lots of tears including Mr Kelly according to DS.


Well done.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So next step has already started - ds went off on plane yesterday (with a couple of older friends already in the company) and starts work tomorrow. I can't quite believe it. Have just been looking back at his old photos from when he was a JA - this was always the dream but often felt like it would never be a reality.


Some of his friends have already started their contracts, others are starting in the next few weeks and some are yet to get jobs - good luck to all of them :)

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Good luck to your ds Juliew.! I have just seen my dd( (graduated in June) off today she has been rehearsing the lat 2 weeks and is now off on tour! Not with a ballet company but dancing in a show that takes her to Blackpool, the West end, the middle east & a UK tour! All very exciting!! Especially as she is earning money hurrah! & I might have some money now to spend on myself!! :lol:

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