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Roberta Marquez and other RB stars performing at a gala in Spain in December

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Roberta Marquez will be dancing in this Gala in Spain in December: http://www.fundacioct.cat/es/programacio/gala-destrelles-del-royal-ballet-de-londres/


I very nearly missed this as I thought the "new content" might be about the proposed dvd. Glad I looked! But perhaps others may miss it buried away here rather than a thread with its own title.

Does anyone know who "Dance Tours"(the promoting organisation) are?

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I very nearly missed this as I thought the "new content" might be about the proposed dvd. Glad I looked! But perhaps others may miss it buried away here rather than a thread with its own title.

Does anyone know who "Dance Tours"(the promoting organisation) are?


Dance Tours is a company run by Justin Meissner (former RB soloist and Laura Morera's husband) They run ballet workshops and have organised some galas with RB dancers in Japan. I have been to their galas here and they were really wonderful.  

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