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Posts posted by Peony

  1. If you compare it to the nhs scheme the employer contributions are higher and personal contributions lower. I’m not really sure why it’s so high when the retirement age is 67/8 and average life expectancy is still lower 80s

  2. Brb do a lot of touring to the south west, perhaps they’re very popular there? Some of us in the East and North like ballet too 😀

    I don’t know what’s going on with ENB, I wouldn’t really call them a ‘touring’ company currently though and it’s not because they want to present more unusual works as it’s mainly the old faithfuls! Perhaps they’re aiming for the tourist market? 

    • Like 1
  3. I looked at enb earlier and all of the dates they’ve released (until

    june) are in London. And BRB seem to have dropped many of their previous locations. Are they actually touring companies? A huge part of the country is not served by any of those companies anymore! I think brb2 is an interesting concept so may have to investigate their dates. I saw le corsaire on tour and it was really popular, enb did promote it quite heavily though which is probably needed

    • Like 3
  4. I think as an audience member it’s quite uncomfortable to truly absorb some of these stories, it can be easier to stay in a state of denial. I can see that many female dancers are probably controlling  their weight and are slimmer than they should be naturally, I can see that some have gone past that point and are probably unwell, I can see the deformed feet, I hear and see the criticism of dancers being too ‘fat’ or ‘too muscular’. And these are the ones who have ‘made it’ and should be the most suitable for the job! Honestly I’m becoming increasingly uncomfortable with supporting ballet at all but that’s probably necessary to push us to drive the change that is necessary

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  5. I don’t think anyone would argue that there should be a 100% success rate but that it should probably be better than it is currently. I wonder how many girls have even made it from year 7 into the gcse years because I think last year it’s wasn’t that many? And then just 2 years later into upper school? Other similar schools certainly assess out but do they completely replace the students? It could be argued that things like injury, motivation, health are reasons for potential drop out that are modifiable by the school. If other schools can select at 10/11 and produce dancers why can’t rbs? I used to defend rbs but I’m quite shocked that they’re seemingly getting rid of so many students after year 9. It just appears that they’re happy to take the government funding until

    they can get someone ‘better’ in. If you can’t select more accurately don’t have a lower school it’s not fair on the children, families or tax payers. Maybe just get rid of WL entirely if the intake at upper school is from elsewhere. Given the current success rate from year 7 into the company what really is the point? I don’t really care where the kids were born but I’d like to see a company with a uniform style able to

    dance in the British style because they’ve been trained all the way through in that style. 

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  6. I’m not sure it is about not valuing the arts but re-evaluating what a degree is actually about and what the outcome should be. I do think there needs to be some reevaluation because there has been a rapid expansion in degree programmes and some of it is about making money for the institution. And it’s not just about arts, the government are also looking to bring in apprenticeships for medicine etc rather than taught degrees. I do think that not every subject needs to Be a taught degree with the costs involved and if a paid apprenticeship could be offered that’s a good thing. But also some subjects do require prolonged academic study in an educational institution. I don’t know enough about your children’s degrees to

    say which would be best but personally I’d put medicine in the latter category! 

    • Like 4
  7. I see why the most senior positions would require recruitment from multiple sources, it’s to be expected. However I’ve got to say I’m increasingly troubled by the abysmal continuation rate from WL to US to company. Both because I think I’d rather have a corps with a uniform style and for that style to suit the British repertoire and also that RBS receive a lot of public funding and if they’re not able to adequately train the children they select there is something wrong. Some of the dancers that are selected for a short spell at US from competitions etc are obviously very talented and destined for principal, but it doesn’t seem to me that every dancer starting at US is more talented than the kids graduating WL

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  8. I’d agree that it sounds odd what they are saying and if your dancing is weak that’s attributable to those teachers??

    potential can mean many things, you really need to try and get an unbiased opinion through auditioning or an assessment. IME it’s common for dance teachers to talk about having potential but they often mean to be a good dancer but not at professional level. 

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  9. I’m guessing most uk girls will have auditioned for year 7 if they want RBS and it would be unusual to have a teenager who didn’t and is at the right level. There will be many more international families who wouldn’t send an 11 year old abroad but would a 14 year old. If they’re selecting from students across the world there would likely be a much more diverse intake, unless they re-introduced the policy of actively favouring UK children.

  10.  isn’t this just anorexia by another name? Over exercising is a symptom. I think the ‘migratory theory’  for eating disorders is interesting, lots of talk

    of negative energy balance (from exercise, illness, not just dieting) being a trigger in those genetically prone

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