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  1. Fabulous news Ballet n Broke! Enjoy your celebrations!
  2. Just got a No as well. Kind of relieved to know but DD will not take this well
  3. What if they finish early on fridays and have all gone home?!
  4. Iam struggling too. I want to phone but hubby says it will make me look like a pushy mum! Pah!
  5. Has anyone else thought about phoning them? x
  6. Our postman has already been so I guess we will get an answer by email x
  7. Morning all! I feel really sick knowing that we will hear today!
  8. I saw someone at dance class tonight whose mum has phoned the office for results. She was advised that everyone will be informed tomorrow by email. Uh oh! X
  9. I can't bear it. Is it too early for a sherry?
  10. Yes I wondered the same but I think they will use email as they are a charity and need to keep costs low. I think if you apply by post they ask for SAE but I might be wrong.
  11. Suffering here too. Even hubby who is usually very patient is getting twitchy!!! Email still intermittent. I am soooo tempted to phone them!
  12. Nope nothing here but email still being very temperamental x
  13. Hi Balletmumealing. No not done it before. We registered for LCB last year but DD bottled out on the day of the audition. She doesn't take rejection well so have steered clear for a while. However, we did go to see Snow White last year and she loved it so much that she wanted to give it a try.
  14. Thank you. I keep thinking that "no news is good news". It making me feel a bit sick to be honest. x
  15. My email is down! Its with talk talk and has been intermittent since they were hacked. Today of all days it is not working
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