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  1. I think what needs to be remembered is that is a school performance and that the students are doing works and performing them at the standard of are typically of professionals and did extremely well at the the diverse works that were given to them. Its great to see the school pushing there students giving them the opportunity to do a wide range of repertoire so they can expand their knowledge and develop them artistically. These students did incredibly well and the future is looking bright for the stars of the future
  2. I absolutely loved the first years piece 'Onwards' by Jonathan Watkins. It was so refreshing and a joy to watch knowing the meaning behind it. I loved that it got the majority of the first years on stage as im the past first years didnt tend to do alot. Also that half of them were from White Lodge was nice to see that they are doing well. I loved the versatility in this years programme and it was such a pleasure to watch all this amazing young talent on stage
  3. I think they have all done especially well to get into amazing companies! And good luck to them all!
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