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Dominant leg in ballet


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When you say left dominant, do you mean she turns better to the left?  I have one pupil who is right handed but is a left turner and it really doesn't make any difference for a normal class as you do everything on both sides.  However, I have warned her that in auditions or intensives, if they only do turns to the right assuming that suits everyone, she should put her hand up and say politely that she is a left turner.  For other work, it shouldn't matter.  Usually there is one stronger leg for standing on, but usually this leg is then lower in extensions as the muscles can be tighter, which is what gives the stability in the first place! 

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I am also left leg dominant in everything from turns, kicks etc which proves to be very annoying as most choreographers I have had always choreograph it right leg. My advice would be to focus of the right leg for a while to make it just as good as the left so that choreo will be easier. Hope this helps :)

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