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Stephen Hawking RIP

Jan McNulty

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Very sad news this morning that Professor Stephen Hawking has passed away at the age of 76.  He was one of those people that I thought would go on for ever.









A couple of years ago at a Friends' dooooooo I mentioned to Wolfgang Stollwitzer that I had seen him dance with Stuttgart Ballet in Glasgow (1990).  He replied that his fondest memory of that week was staying in the same hotel as Stephen Hawking.  What a lovely memory to have.

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A truly amazing man, in all respects.  I will admit that I didn't get past page 3 of a Brief History of Time, but he is the one who came closest to opening my mind even a tiny crack to the world of physics.  RIP Prof. Hawking....may you forever be amongst your beloved stars.

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The world definitely a poorer place without his presence. Inspirational both as a man and scientist. I feel he has to have gone to some other Universe somewhere in Space .....though of course lives on through his work and achievements here which is probably more what he would have believed.

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For me life's heroes are those that battle adversity.  Two of my mother's siblings died from motor neuron disease and I am amazed and delighted that Professor Hawking achieved his three score years and ten and a bit more.  Apart from his scientific achievements he was a champion of the NHS and in that capacity rattled a few political cages in his time.


A great man with a great legacy.

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Was there ever a time when the world could less afford to lose such a sane, intelligent person, someone the world would actually listen to, and indeed the NHS has lost a champion it badly needs.


He will be much missed in Cambridge, a city that is very hard to  impress and not always friendly,  but, the city is very proud of him.

 I once came across him with his wife, buying a hoover, and hung around to see which model they went  for....

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