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  1. I very much enjoyed last night's performance. Kovalyova is obviously not the finished article, nor would it be fair to expect her to be in such a role, at 20 years old, but after reading her intelligent and thoughtful answers in this interview, it's obvious she has the most important asset required to be an excellent artist - a good brain. http://www.vaganovatoday.com/alyona-kovalyova-bolshoi-ballet On the subject of her height putting the Mariinsky off, can I assume that Ulyana Lopatkina was considered a significantly more promising freak talent at a young age, or has the culture changed? They are around the same height, as far as I know.
  2. I would watch Kondaurova dance the Macarena, so thanks for the heads up.
  3. This is the thing. I would gladly pay to see Alexandrova and Kondaurova in anything but I have the worst luck when it comes to people dropping out of things I have paid for!
  4. Most recently I was very moved by Ekaterina Kondaurova in Infra and Alessandra Ferri in Woolf Works.
  5. There were two or three instances of mobiles ringing during the matinee performance of Sylvia, and they seemed to go on forever. It's not the crime of the century but the instructions really couldn't be clearer.
  6. I didn't say that it can be remedied. If it's a failing it's a failing, but saying that the piece itself would have been better realised if it had a different concept places the responsibility for the artistic vision with the critic, not the artist. Infra wouldn't be a better version of McGregor's idea if it didn't have the projected images, it would be a different idea, which may or may not be more artistically successful than the one he came up with.
  7. I wouldn't argue with that, but I'm sure McGregor would argue that's a question of artistic choice, not a failing.
  8. The point is supposed to be that the projected figures are ordinary people going about their supposedly banal and non-descript daily lives, drifting along, like commuters on a bridge, and the dancers represent the complex inner lives of these same people, as MAB said. "Actually, people are quite interesting" probably isn't the most profound idea McGregor has ever had, but the stick figures aren't there for no reason.
  9. I was most excited about seeing Vishneva but found Carmen a bit lacking. She danced very well but it didn't grab me. Kondaurova ended up being the stand-out for me in both Infra and Paquita. Such presence.
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