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  1. I saw this tonight plus Elite Syncopations. Dextera was brilliant cheeky and funny loved it. there was bits of Bourne, Mark Morris, Robert north (Mozart with samba drums). loved every bit of it. with my eyes restored back to glory days.☺️
  2. id be shocked if that happened but who knows. I will miss Darcy too.
  3. I guess I just like a story ballet. Having said that I like two dancers just performing a piece of classical ballet to tuneful music. When Scottish Ballet had Robert North he had plenty pure Ballet pieces such as Sarcasms by Hans Van Manen. It to me was a man and women competing? However I saw New York City ballet once and I could not get my head round it despite fact they are one of the world's great companies. I look at Balanchine and he is the greatest choreographer of the 20th century and legendary. Can you please tell me why I feel this. I think it is because Tchaikovsky was to me please correct me more tuneful where as Stravinsky Balanchine's composer was quieter style. I can watch two dancers dance to someone playing piano and no other instruments and enjoy that. George Balanchine said "if you have a man holding a woman's hand you have a love story almost. How much story do you want". Ultimately I guess Balanchine was pure ballet but I can enjoy pure ballet but not really got my head round him yet. Maybe I have to see more of his work on DVD etc and watch more. Only seen NYC Ballet once! Any thoughts please?
  4. I saw Darcey on the you tube link posted by here. She said one dancer had costume on full orchestra and she was told not good enough. That must have sent her home in tears for weeks? I guess is way it is but seems to me even if you get to top such is ballet you are not allowed to get over the top. She said McMillan was quiet and I think that premier dancers can wow audiences then still get critcsm.it is a disciplined art? If Nureyev had not defected would Russia have considered him as great and did they give him his greatness in the end?
  5. This is my fav person in history of ballet. I like the underdog and think he is the greatest underdog of all. He created the swan queen in Swan Lake. I wonder why the manager of the imperial theatre in St Petersburg Ivan Vsevolovsky asked him to create a tribute to Tchaikovsky after his death rather than Maurice Petipa. Health? Also one critic said something to effect that his choreography is not changed. Like rewriting bible. Is this the greatest tribute and true? Why? I don't think there is room for change. Only person I get emotional about. Euan
  6. The first part was standard as with children but then the magic came and it was pure magic. Fabulous but more enhanced stage scenery I saw as a kid. As a kid I hated ballet and this was the one I hated. At the last version I saw I near had a tear at end. Few mistakes but pure magic.
  7. I am looking forward to seeing this at Christmas. Christopher Hampson used youngsters in Hansel and Gretel and I really like that. Darrells Nutcracker differs from practically all of them in one area. Clara is played by a young girl in a non dancing Role or major non dancing role I should say. It also uses children too. In the second half Clara watches the performance from the side of the stage. At the end she is a sleep and her Dad or uncle finds her and takes her off to bed I guess. The Uncle comes in and sprinkles some magic dust to finish it off. All a dream or is it? Magic! Mum still regards his as one of the best and says it is magical. For me as kid it was boring I did not like ballet at all. Now I am interested in the Entire history of ballet! Big turn around!!!! When I saw it for final time before all the financial and funding issues at Scottish Ballet there was almost a tear in my eye. This propelled me to get more interested in reading about it. I read Darrell Loved theatre and I guess entertaining through ballet. Mum thinks as do I from loose memory his Rome and Juliet is still great even compared to new versions I have seen.
  8. Not on this run but Under Ashley Page a couple of years ago. To be honest I need a couple of performances to get my head round any ballet. Having said that I can enjoy just pure ballet in the classical style.
  9. Just got a flyer today. Its choreographed by Scott ambler and not Bourne but will get my tickets. Never read book.
  10. I was left cold at end but did make its points. As Terpsichore says Peter Darell was modern and wanted to still get a big audience. His works still stand the test of time I think. Especially his R & J. I read he loved theater..
  11. I am not sure BGT falls in this forum but this piece by Attraction is still one of the most beautiful things I have seen and cant fail to stir up an emotion in anyone. Ballet style mixed in with there own style. There semi final performance had even Simon Cowell in tears
  12. Is Bournes Swan Lake still the same story in effect? I had trouble getting my head round the story but still loved it. He said that his one is part based on Darrell's version where the prince died at the end. To be honest I get the stories more of his other productions but my view is you cannot go wrong with him and I love all he does. The Romantic pas de deux in the Carman I loved. Sad how the bullied guy turned into a bully? Correct me if wrong?
  13. Did anyone see the Hungarian Shadow theater inspired advert. They appeared on BGT but were beautiful and emotional
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