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Two Pigeons

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About Two Pigeons

  • Birthday August 1

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  1. Pretty constantly these days I am afraid. It hasn't produced anything for some years now but at least it is filling its schedules with some fabulous repeats. Some of the vintage drama is unbelievably good. I particularly enjoyed the two Noel Coward plays, The Vortex and A Song at Twilight with Deborah Kerr and Paul Schofield. Fabulous diction and decent lighting.
  2. Any chance of the BBC would now repeat Makarova's series "Ballerina" and then Peter Schaufuss in "Dancer"? If nothing else it would mean that BBC 4 is going out in a blaze of glory
  3. Christiansen does not like BRB under any circumstances, mainly on the grounds that they are not the Royal Ballet. Had the performance been fully lit, with a live orchestra and given to a full audience he would have found something else to criticise. I am sorry the company still give him press ticket.
  4. I would so like to have seen them but every time they got to do something interesting the camera angle changed so they could have been dancing in the next county for the amount we were able to see them.
  5. Personally I would suggest that Macaulay sets up his camp with Rupert Christiansen who described the BRB principals as 'lacklustre'. Then they can bitch about the dancers/companies/directors they don't like to their little hearts' content.
  6. I was exceptionally luck to see her as Tatiana and I can still remember how much she moved me. (Whisper this, better than even Makarova who was appearing at roughly the same time.) She was such a dramatic and intelligent dancer.
  7. There is some age advice here but, speaking entirely from my personal experience I last saw the Royal Ballet live in 2003. A significant change in my circumstances meant I have only be able to watch the company via DVDs and streaming services. There is much I would love to able to view now but I would just make the point that the current offerings of the company closest to my heart, BRB, include a ballet consisting entirely of the cast members rushing around throwing and catching bottles of water. Not very high on my list of choice viewing.
  8. No Clem, no Dance Books, no Dancing Times, hardly any Ashton and BRB cutting back on anything classical. Oh dear, my great years of ballet going really are over.
  9. Just seen this on Facebook. I wrote my initial thoughts there.
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