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Broken Foot!! :(


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So on Monday night whilst performing a simple turning jump in my contemporary class I managed to break my foot! I landed on the side of my left foot and have broken my 5th metatarsal in a few places.


The X-ray didn't look good and A&E thought that they might have needed to operate. Thankfully when I went to the fracture clinic the following day, they said I wouldn't need an operation and have given me crutches and a walking cast, which I can take off at night and to shower. They booked me an appointment to come back in 6 weeks and sent me on my way.


I was so relieved ( and slightly hazy on codeine) at the time that I wasn't having an operation that I forgot to ask a lot of questions and feel like I could have done with some more advice.


I had the rest of the week off but I'm going back to work tomorrow. I've been trying to keep my foot up as much as possible at home and I'm not sure it's going to cope being under a desk all day. I'm also not sure how much to weight bear on my injured foot. One of the doctors said it was good to start weight bearing early on to help the healing process ????? But I've ( stupidly) read a lot of things online that say not to weight bear at all. I don't want to be doing anything to make it worse or that will make the healing process take longer.


I've also not sure how much I'm allowed to move my foot and ankle. I take the cast off at night and so my ankle does move around and my foot does twinge sometimes. But I don't want my foot and ankle to seize up and take longer to get mobile again.


Has anyone else had a similar injury and do you have any advice on what I should do? I'm not sure how I'm going to cope not dancing for so long, even though it's just a hobby.


Sorry for the long message. I hope some of you lovely people can help me. x

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My DS had what sounds like the identical injury jumping off a wall in thin pumps (the idiocy of teenage boys...) except he broke 2 metatarsals- I will ask him if he remembers exactly what his restrictions were. He stayed at home for 2 weeks as the orthopods were concerned the break was near the growth plate which would have had major implications. But thank goodness not so. I think he was totally non weight bearing for the 2 weeks he stayed home and then went back to the States with a removable cast which he was in for about 6 weeks. Cant remember how much he used the foot during this time.  After that he was allowed to do barre as long as he didn't go on demi pointe at all or do any jumping. I cant remember how long this was for but he injured himself just after Christmas and from what I recall he wasn't back to full use of the foot much before Spring Break (which is around 2 weeks before Easter). But as I say I will check....

Edited by CeliB
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Ah, and unusually quick reply form DS- he says he wrapped it at night (elastic bandage) so it didn't move around. But he did start weight bearing after the first week or so.
 Also should have said he has had no long term problems with this break- it healed perfectly.

I am sure you could call up your surgical team if you are not sure and would like some advice....

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I do urge you to get an x-ray when you go back after 6 weeks.  My dd broke the 4th and 5th metatarsals and when they took the plaster cast off after the 6 weeks the hospital wouldn't x-ray - said it wasn't necessary. We argued with the "professionals" but they wouldn't budge.  Tried to get an x-ray done at a private hospital - doctor has to refer!! 12 months later she still can't complete a full lesson en pointe and has finally got the doctor to send her for an x-ray.  The break has not healed correctly and her career in ballet is over (she's at vocational school).  I've not said anything up until now as we've been coming to terms with it all and she's not told anyone but her teachers what is going on.


Apart from all the distress regarding her career, I am worried about what is going to happen later on in life, when she gets to my age etc.  She walks around fine, but pointe work and some barefoot work is painful for her.


So what I'm saying is please don't panic, just be aware and cite our problem if you can't get an x-ray. 

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Porthesia - how awful!  And how terrible that they refused to x-ray it again.  Real negligence in my opinion.  My son broke his arm when he was about 6 and they kept x-raying it because it didn't heal correctly - it was a long and difficult recovery. Imagine if they'd have just taken off the cast and left it?  


I broke my ankle some years ago, VBee, and was in a plaster cast for 6 weeks followed by one that I could remove.  What they told me to do was to keep flexing and pointing the foot (as far as it would go) so as to keep the calf muscles in shape.  When they finally took off the cast they were amazed at the way my calf muscle hadn't atrophied.  Yours is obviously in a different place, but trying to work the calf muscle is important nevertheless.  Hope you have a speedy recovery!

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We are still coming to terms with it all. We've known since beginning of Feb - it was hard - I really wanted to come on here and have a good rant etc but was just too upset.  She has an MRI scan scheduled for end of March - just in case there is another reason why her foot is giving her trouble.  We're trying to be positive and look at other avenues for dance, she's fortunately quite good at jazz..

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VBee - sorry to hear of your accident.  Don't be afraid to ring up the clinic with any questions you might have.  I think it is very common for patients not to take in all the information and advice given or ask enough questions.


Porthesia - I don't really know what to say to you - your poor DD.  I hope the mri scan points to something that can be done to help her.  As you say giving up the ballet career is heartbreaking enough but you don't want further problems for her down the line.  Best wishes to you both

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Hope yours gets well soon VBee. Ive broken both my ankles.....not at the same time but had the traditional plaster cast treatment.


I'd love to have had a removable boot thing so as to massage the leg muscles which were weak when came out of cast.

However I think it a good idea for 2-3 weeks to bandage at night as sometimes one gets into strange positions and this might not be too beneficial to your foot

Where weight bearing is concerned I'd double check this out if I were you.....they should have given you more advice in my opinion.


Porthesia I had no idea this had all been going on with your daughter how very sad.

Will PM you ...perhaps we could meet up for a chat?

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so sorry to hear about your DD porsrhesia, hopefully the MRI will give you some good news...hospitals don't like x-raying children because of the radiation but an MRI doesn't use any radiation and will be a lot more detailed.


VBee sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you have a speedy recovery and heal well.

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Thanks CeliB and to your DS for replying so quickly. And thanks everyone else for your well wishes, I think I'll call the fracture clinic in the morning just to make sure.


Porthesia I am so, so sorry to hear about your DD, that's so sad to hear. Thank you for the advice about getting the X-ray at the end of the 6 weeks, I will make sure I do.


Dance is life, thank you for your advice on moving the ankle, I'm keen not to loose muscle in my legs, and I'd love to be able to continue on pointe in time.

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VBee I'm sorry for hijacking your thread, but I have felt I should highlight what happened to my dd. I don't want it happening to anyone else.  Every time I started to think about what to say I just couldn't do it.  I was just so angry at the time. When I saw your thread I knew it was time to say something.  I hope others who read this will also take note and not be pushed around by the NHS.

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Gosh Porthesia how terrible. It makes me realise what a close shave DS had.... I am sure everyone on this forum can appreciate how agonizing this must be. Maybe there is some possibility of repair - I would shop around for an expert opinion.... Sometimes it's worth asking around to find out who has the reputation of being the best in the field - about the only positive aspect of the new NHS run business style is you have the right to do this.... Often a specialist physio is very knowledgable about the best surgical team if you can't find any info on line..

Best of luck to you and your DD.

And good luck VBee with your recovery.

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As it happened my DS just had his cast off on Monday after fracturing the base of his 5th metatarsal 3 weeks ago

He was told one week no weight bearing , then progressive weight bearing . About to start physio and can walk without pain but not able to jump yet

Not sure if the door was re-X-rayed when the cast was taken off - better find out !

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Vbee - definitely ring the surgeon's secretary for advice. And wishing you a good recovery.


Porthesia - I'm so sorry to hear about what's happened. Having had a "near miss" with my son and a for injury I have some idea of what you're going through but fortunately his story turned out OK in the end. If you need a chat, virtual or on the phone, phase do get in touch.


BillyElliott - sorry to hear about your son's injury - I wish him a good recovery too. Make sure he follows all his instructions and sees the physio - I'm sure the school will help you out with that!

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Gosh I am so overwhelmed by the kindness of everyone, but I should have expected it as I have seen before just how supportive everyone is on this forum.


Thanks for the offer of a chat JulieW, I may take you up on that when we know something more definite.


thequays, she will be 21 in June and thus the feeling is that even if an operation is an option and the podiatrist who saw her wasn't sure that it even is, she is really too old to have months off and then recuperation.


We are presuming, as it seems logical, that the misaligned "healed" bone is causing all the problems.  She did suffer with another condition which I can't for the life of me remember which if this is the problem is key hole surgery and not as drastic as rebreaking the foot. It's a waiting game at the moment.


Hope Vbee and BillElliotts son are not in too much pain and discomfort and are coping with the crutches xx

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